Praying for your Boyfriend

I find myself quite frequently praying for my boyfriend. I try to pray for all of my friends and family, especially the ones who I know are going through a difficult season of their life. Praying for loved ones is extremely important for them and you, the Bible tells us to pray about everything and worry about nothing. Praying for your boyfriend, fiancé, or husband is incredibly important.

I find myself often praying for these four things when it comes to praying for Will, my boyfriend…
1) Pray for his spiritual walk that he always goes towards The Lord with a happy spirit.
2) Pray for him to constantly grow as a leader. The leader of our relationship, a leader at work, a leader at school, and a leader in our church.
3) Pray for obedience to The Lord, that his ears may always be open to hearing what God wants him to do.
4) Pray for strength against temptations and earthly sins.


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About Me

Letter writer. Scarf wearer. UNC-Charlotte student. Elevation worshipper. Christmas lover.


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