25 Daily reminders

Things I always try to keep in mind: Daily Little Reminders

1. Laugh everyday. Even if that means at yourself.

2. Life is too short to spend time with people who bring you down. You become most like the five people you spend the most time with…pick wisely.

3. Call your Mom. Trust me, its not for her…its for you!

4. Pray often. Whether it’s walking to class or with a friend.

5. Volunteer at least once a month.

6. Listen to music that makes you happy and maybe even gets you dancing (If your not dancing to Luke Bryan, there’s something wrong).

7. Eat more fruits!

8. Drink lots of water.

9. Run more.

10. Join a Bible Study, church group. You will have great friends who support you throughout the week, especially when you need it most!

11. Write letters, text, or call your high school girlfriends! There’s a reason you loved them back then, they still have those lovable qualities you need more of in your life!

12. Make one-on-one time with your current girlfriends. Boyfriends and groups are fun, but there’s nothing more precious than one-on-one laughs and deep conversations.

13. Read books for fun. I learn so much from the books Sarah and Kristen let me borrow.

14. Smile at people. Smiles go a long way, especially to people who serve you food everyday.

15. Being a gentleman never goes out of style. Keep your standards high.

16. Eat breakfast.

17. Pause before getting angry.

18. Don’t forget the power of a thank you note.

19. Always have a black dress in your closet.

20. Keep up with the news and current events.

21. Coffee is a legal drug, take advantage of it!!

22. Write down your priorities and keep it in your planner. Whenever I am stressed I remember my priorities and am reminded about what’s really important in the big picture.

23. At the end of the day, look at all the cute animals on Pinterest, it makes my night so much better. I finally figured out how to send pins, my friends and mother get loads of pins I think are funny or cute!

24. Make a friend in every class.

25. Find a funny TV show that you can share with others. My best friends all share a common tv show with me, its always something else to laugh about.


“Maybe our girlfriends are our soulmates and guys are just people to have fun with.”

Sometimes its hard to balance your girlfriends and your boyfriend.  There are times, I personally struggle with this.  It’s all about prioritizing your time but in all honesty its hard.  I wish I could spend equal amounts of quality time with each person I know and love but sadly this is not reality.  There are times when we have to remember who was there first, who is there now, and who will always be there.

I am proud to say that I have had the same best friend for 13 years, since I was a very young girl.  Most of my childhood memories have her in it and I am so grateful and blessed for her everyday.  The Monroe and Skinner family have always been very close, we always have thanksgiving pie and Christmas dessert together every year.  We have always trick-or-treated together and although Kasey and I never went to the same school I have always felt very close to her and have loved her like a sister.  We don’t talk everyday, but when we do talk we feel very connected.  A girl will always need her girlfriends.


“It’s tempting to wish for the perfect boss, the perfect parent, or the perfect outfit. But maybe the best any of us can do is not to quit, play the hand we’ve been dealt, and accessorize what we’ve got.”
― Candace BushnellSex and the City

Many of us wish for the perfect man, the perfect best friend, and the perfect experience (work, college, etc)…I hate the word perfect.  Only God can be perfect, the rest of us are just playing for second place.  Krispy Kreme Doughnuts are a very close, great second place!  This is a hard idea for me to grasp.  Assessorizing what you got, is exactly how I would put it.  It doesn’t hide what you have, it just shines a little better.

Nothing is perfect, which is exactly why we have to keep working on everything we have.  It’s so important.

Live Simply.

Dream Big.

Be Grateful.

Give Love.

Laugh Lots.

The Right God over the Wrong Man

“I’d rather have the right God than the wrong man.”
— Christen Rapske

Figuring out my life.

As I turned twenty this year (half way to forty is what my boyfriend says!) I thought, I guess I should figure out my life. It’s hard as we grow older to thing about careers, school, jobs, friends, Mr. Right, the big man upstairs, and family.
I personally struggle with prioritizing my life, I hate the idea of putting one thing as ‘more important’ than another but as I am “growing up” I figure I better start prioritizing what really matters and getting rid of the distractions (anything that is not a priority) out of my life.

I don’t have it all together yet, it’s a continuous process of evaluating! If something or someone doesn’t feel right in my life I have to think about what I should do and if that is worth spending my time on.

If you have never written down your priorities and written down how much time you spend on each, let me tell you it’s hard! I wished I was Peter Pan numerous times! But I had to grow up because I didn’t want to act like I had it all together when deep down I didn’t, I actually wanted to being the girl who had it all together!

Why chivalry is dead!

Why chivalry is dead!

Great article!  Worth the read!


Philippians 4:6-7. Don’t worry about anything; instead pray about everything.  Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done.  

If we worry less, giving our trust to The Lord we will experience His blessings.  

Make friends with what you are
Give your heart then change your mind
You’re allowed to do it
Cause God knows it’s been done to you
And somehow you got through it
Alive in the age of worry
Rage in the age of worry
Sing out in the age of worry
And sing Worry, why should I care?
-“Age of Worry”  John Mayer

Matthew 7:25-27, 34 are also great verses on worry!  


I grew up in a Catholic Church in North Carolina, which was very different compared to the church I go to now.  What many call “contemporary” worship is so different than the worship, or hymns that I grew up with.  When I first went to church at Elevation, with a love band and where people raised their hands in praise, I was slightly bewildered.  For a while I did not raise my hands or get very into the worship, simply because it wasn’t at my comfort level.  I wondered if I was truly praising God…I wasn’t.  If I couldn’t demonstrate my love and thankfulness to Jesus in church, how could I possibly do it outside of church.  
Worship is so important, no matter what season you are experiencing.  No matter your past, everyone has something to be thankful for and praise The Lord!  

Psalm 96:4- for The Lord is great and greatly to be praised.  

“The secret to joy is to keep seeking God where we doubt He is.”

The Right Person

“True security, happiness, joy, peace, and love isn’t found in finding the right person; it’s found in being the right person.” Pastor Steven Furtick 

Being the right person is so important.  Jesus is the one we should seek a relationship with..for a relationship with…for with Him we can be the right person!  We cannot find the right person when we are not the right person (with Jesus within us).  Being at the right place in our life is so important, in order to receive the blessings God wants for us.

About Me

Letter writer. Scarf wearer. UNC-Charlotte student. Elevation worshipper. Christmas lover.


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